As a conceptual artist, I get ideas constantly and from various sources. I believe that my practice is 70% mental and 30% physical. 
Click the sketch to see some of my conceptual thoughts on paper and illustrations. 
When working on your logo / visual identity, we are searching for visual identity through design. Which in a nutshell, is a search for essence. 
Initially, It takes listening, observing, learning, meeting, understanding, rephrasing, and even challenging. 

Then the sketching and drawing begin. 
This takes place on a continuum between distinction and simplicity. 

How special can we make a mark while keeping it simple? And How simple can we make it without becoming generic?
To me, the beauty is in that balance. 

Every design is a solution to a problem. 
My practice is a response to the client's needs. 
The difference between good work and great work is the search for something beyond solving a problem. We are looking for artistic quality.
I, OlaDapo, also known as DapoDavinci, position myself as a guiding light in the realm of contemporary art and design. My art beautifully weaves together the threads of contemporary pop culture and the rich tapestry of Yoruba and African history, merging elements that encompass different facets of the human experience.

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